Sunday Supper: 03/24/19
The Carolina Chocolate Drops were a seminal African-American string band from North Carolina, now on hiatus. This week's Sunday Supper catches up on some of their current activities as individuals. Last year Dom Flemons honored Black Cowboys in a Smithsonian Folkways recording, while Leyla McCalla is tackling The Capitalist Blues on her new album. Breakout star Rhiannon Giddens has released a couple of critically-praised albums and outside projects. The latest is Songs of Our Native Daughters, which brought Giddens together with McCalla, Allison Russell of Birds of Chicago, and Amesthyst Kiah for sessions in New Orleans with Dirk Powell designed to "shine a light on African-American women's stories of struggle, hope, and resistance."
With racial violence in the headlines, we remember the church killings in Charleston with songs by Joe Jencks, Joan Baez, and Kenny White and spotlight some of the female singer-songwriters who caught my ear at the Folk Alliance conference in Montreal last month.
For tasty music and food for thought, join me for supper today from 5-6 pm or anytime over the next two weeks in the WFUV Weekend Archives.