Sunday Supper: 11/12/23

Canada's legendary songwriter, Gordon Lightfoot, left the planet in May, but we'll celebrate his 85th birth anniversary on this week's "Sunday Supper," with a generous helping of his originals, plus covers by the Punch Brothers, Bob Dylan, Gathering Time, and Cowboy Junkies.

I'll also include songs by other ageless octogenarians, The Rolling Stones, Sylvia Tyson, Peggy Seeger, and David Amram, as well as a preview of Tuesday's "On Your Radar" at Rockwood Music Hall with Mary Lee Kortes, Sam Robbins, and Belle-Skinner.

Blow out all the candles between 4:00-6:00 p.m. EST at 90.7 FM and, as well as on demand in the WFUV  Archives, on the WFUV app, or the eternally youthful smart speaker of your choice.

(AP photo by Arthur Nola)

Cynthia Cochrane